let’s talk about three quick ways you can increase your facebook conversions click through rates generate more leads awesome these are just super quick things that i notice when i log into accounts who’ve been run by you know ad managers that might not have the qualifications they should that you might have hired or you did it yourself these things are super simple to do super simple to notice especially if you’re working with somebody and if they didn’t do these little things that you should know to either get rid of them or make sure they’re done a lot of times when we market we’re going to mark it in a specific area specific location so when you when you log into your facebook account so you want to come into let’s just pull up an ad here uh log into it and you click edit when you’re in the ad sets so once you’re in the ad sets after you’ve created the ad you’re gonna scroll down and so you notice in the audience where we are here we go locations this is a quick and easy thing to do is people living in this location that is normally one of the biggest things people forget to do they will check people living in or recently in this location the reason why you want people living in this location is typically that’s where your audience is you don’t want people traveling in some sometimes you do but majority of time if you have a local service business obviously you want people who live there and live around that area if you’re selling products you want to target those people in those specific areas so most times this is always a little thing that you need to make sure is adjusted where it shows locations people living in that location and that will help dramatically increase your click-through rate and stuff maybe not dramatically but it will improve it and you don’t want it to go to people that shouldn’t be getting it that’s why a lot of ad dollars are spent that are just being wasted this is also applies to google ads as well you can do that in in that the other one is um the ad placement where are your where’s your ad showing up so if you scroll down a little bit more not detailed targeting matters all these things matter but these are just three quick things that you can do to make sure so instead of placements most people when they’re doing their first facebook ad they don’t know they just go automatic placements recommended this will get you to spend more money with facebook which obviously facebook likes but it will typically not get you as many leads or it will get you leads but at a higher cost and the goal about conversions is always driving your costs down to generate more leads right you want to make more money you want to grow your business faster what you do is you want to take and go with manual placements sometimes this doesn’t apply to dynamic retargeting ads and so forth retargeting ads are fine to go otherwise but your initial first ad typically you want to do manual placements and turn everything off except for facebook news feed and instagram feed i find this to be one of the most effective ways to get a better click-through rate get to more people get to your audience and all that other stuff and like i said there’s more things when it comes to running facebook ads as well as google ads and other things that we can dive into but this is not the video for that the last thing is add creative so if i come out of my ad sets and i go into my ads so i’m gonna check that box so i know that that specific ad is gonna come up and i’m gonna pull this ad up here and this is another simple thing but it does take a little bit more work is video ads typically outperform image ads they also create more of a connection so when when you’re talking about sales or promotions or any of that stuff when you can create and connect with your audience more effectively i.e the best form of communication is when we’re face to face and we’re talking that’s how sales and business originally started but now we have the internet so a video is the the fastest way to do that besides a a live event online we’re actually face to face and connecting that way but a video done right and done well well a will help you track the the number of people that watch track the engagement to see and the more a lot of people say you need a quick video because of people’s attention spams are low the problem with that is yes they’re low but if you can create a great video that people watch longer that’s a higher percent of people that will probably buy your product or services so engage them create quality videos because at the end of the day they’re gonna drive your click-through rate up drive your sales drive your your leads all those things are gonna get you more customers at a better cost so again just to recap set the the ad set locations make sure living in this area specifically uh the ad placements make sure you uncheck all those boxes and you just check those two manual feeds and then add creatives make sure you do a video again those are just three quick things that you can do to run more effective ads save more money and not give zuckerberg or facebook uh that hard earned money that you’re working towards as well as to get better conversions so then you can get faster sales and make a bigger profit hopefully that helps i’m scott white obviously if you want help in generating um more revenue running facebook ads consulting from a business perspective all that stuff and and growing your your your brand and your business more you can reach out you can find my website you can apply all the all those great things uh otherwise hopefully this was super helpful and i wish you the best uh hit the like subscribe bell if you want otherwise you know this is again more for me than it’s more for you but hopefully i’m helping people whatever right have a good time have a great life take care
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