how to write killer youtube titles that get clicked on so first thing i think you need to understand is how to how to create a video or what title you should use for a video and that starts with finding keywords and key phrases that rank higher in search engines obviously google is a search engine so you want to find things that rank higher in search engines so i’ve shown you videos before on how to use what’s called the google ads keyword planner so i’m going to log into that right now so you can see that i have this pulled up so obviously if you don’t know how to get key google keyword planners you just go and create a google ads account set up an ad turn the ad off so it’s free then you go into tools here and then you go into keyword planner i have videos showing you how to do that so i’m not going to spend much time on this so the first thing you want to do is understand what a good keyword is and what good key phrases is and what search engine optimization is from a a long tail keyword and all that is confusing but i’m going to clear all this up so let’s just start with the topic like bike right so we type in bike and we look for uh search or keywords and key phrases related to bike so notice if you come here on bike you wouldn’t just create a video and just call it bike i guess you could if you’re casey nein said you could probably get away with it and all that stuff and other youtubers out there but if you’re starting a new channel you don’t typically just want to create a youtube video called bike typically there’s titles that you want to use but before i get into that let’s just talk about um some of the topics that you want to utilize for bikes so if you scroll down here and here you notice there’s electric bike mountain bike bike shop near me e-bike bike shop gravel bike bikes for sale road bikes so a road bike is a key phrase electric bike is a key phrase and obviously you can see how many monthly searches they’re getting right so all that is good so now you have the keywords and key phrases so some of the great titles that you can use for that would be like how to ride a bike so obviously how to ride a bike right and then we can look at the results here we can see how many searches how to ride a bike is 6600 so obviously it’s using the keywords bike but it gets less searches because it’s how to ride a bike it’s a longer tail keyword it’s less searched for than just bike but obviously bike could mean a lot of different things so another um when you do how to titles you could be how to install a bike wheel or how to repair a bike how to so you see where this is going so anything how to then whatever the keywords key phrases are then you can add in things like 2021 like this year’s obviously 2021 when i’m doing the video so then that adds a little bit more and then you can add other key phrases towards the end of that like how to ride a bike in 2021 how to write an e-bike how to ride a mountain bike in 2021 mountain bike techniques so again there’s multiple key words and key phrases in that title that would work really well so those things can be very effective when you’re writing your titles another one besides the how-to is the 10 best ways to ride a bike without your hands the 10 best ways to fix a bike the 10 best ways to fix a bike with this special tool or without any tools right so you can use with or without and then you can add in so good thing you’re going to have some what’s called fluff words like how to or the 10 best ways the five best ways the top 10 best bike trails in the united states all those things are really good or the top five ways to ride a bike with one leg or without training wheels so again you can use with or without and then you put uh training wheels again on there so 50 is kind of like the fluff words and 50 is the key words and key phrases that you’re adding the tile title you don’t want to do too many keywords and key phrases and you don’t want to too many fluff words it should be descriptive and people want to click on it when they read the title it’s you’re going to give them what they want but by when they read that title they know exactly what they’re gonna get and hopefully you deliver on it so another great title to use is try to ride a bike and get a six-pack so you use try then you fill in the keyword and get and then other keyword or key phrases that that people may want right so how to work out and get six-pack abs try this workout to get six-pack abs try this bike tool to fix your bike faster and get a a better performing bike right so it’s it’s a great title to use that’s engaging that attracts people and obviously you add in the keywords and key phrases that work really well another great titles to use is the versus um canon dssr versus a canon powershot which is better for posting youtube videos um a pc versus mac which is better for editing youtube videos so you use the this is this keyword right versus this keyword which is you know better faster so forth and then you add more keywords and key phrases on that one so also other great titles to use are you still posting uh youtube videos you might regret regret it uh are you still posting youtube videos to social media you might regret it so it’s really catchy it’s engaging and so forth so it makes a really great title so those that’s another title to you so again you want to peak interest curiosity to get people to click on your videos other one is here’s what you don’t know about posting on youtube here’s what you don’t know about ranking your videos on youtube that could help you get more views on youtube that could help you rank your so you go here’s what you don’t know about fill in the keyword key phrases that could then fill in the keyword and key phrases and that’s also a great title to use another one is how to accomplish something how to uh get a thousand subscribers on youtube how to monetize your channel and then you go in short amount of time how to accomplish uh a thousand subscribers in one week how to uh get four thousand watch hours in two weeks on youtube right so you can see that’s how that one fills in and that’s a really great title to use other ones there’s a lot of how to’s that really work well how to um monetize your channel without buying or doing subs for subs how to uh ride a bike without ever hopping on a bicycle how to get a-list copy without paying a massive price tag so you can see it’s how to then you put the keyword three phrases where they receive a benefit and then you put without and the undesired expenditure right so that’s another great title to use other one is how to something that you may accomplish your benefits in a short period of time without expenditure so how to land high ticket clients in the next hour without spending a penny how to get monetize your youtube channel without spending a penny or how to monetize your youtube channel in one week without spending a penny so again you do how to accomplish benefit in a short period of time without the ex um you know the expenditure another great title is the unbelievable easy way to get youtube views the unbelievable the unbelievable easy way to rank your youtube videos so again it has a compelling reason for people wanting to click on it another one is the guaranteed method for and then put in common mistakes the guarantee method for avoiding you to your youtube channel to be block listed the guaranteed method for avoiding not to get monetized the guaranteed method for avoiding having your facebook account banned so again you put the guaranteed method for avoiding and then the common mistake that does happen all right another one is just putting a number in front of some something that’s interesting so 10 10 things youtube 10 things that make your youtube video go viral right 10 things that get more views than anything right so it’s 10 things and then something interesting a good keyword key phrases and so forth so 10 things youtube says about you when your videos rank high right something along those lines another one is also 10 little known ways to rank your youtube videos 10 little no ways to ride a bike 10 little known things to land high ticket clients another one is the how to and then accomplish them how to rank your videos like sunny liaison how to um throw a football like aaron rodgers how to run a business like jeff bezos so again it creates you’re jumping on uh keywords key phrases and tagging yourself with people that are famous that will provide an example that people then want to you know create kiara’s curiosity and and click on your videos another one is the scientifically proven formula for ranking your youtube videos the scientifically proven formula for getting high ticket clients so again it’s a scientifically proven formula and then it’s the accomplish something which would be your keywords and key phrases creates a lot of curiosity and interest that people want to uh click on and then another one another great title is is and then you fill in something most people do causing something that’s bad so is your email campaigns causing your clients to say no is your youtube videos causing youtube not to rank your videos so again it’s a negative predicate and making it so people find interest because some people are more motivated from the negative side of things versus the positive side so again something people do and then causing something that’s bad right and that’s how you set up that title another title is um the x number so you add a number so the seven lessons i learned from youtube’s algorithm the 10 lessons i learned from writing a bike the 10 lessons i learned from jeff bezos advice right again so those are all things that again grab attention have keywords key phrases and then that will help get your videos clicked on another great title is the ultimate guide to uh youtube ranking your youtube videos the ultimate guide to uh generating high ticket customers the ultimate guide to to converting more customers into higher ticket sales all right so again you just go the ultimate guide to and then fill in whether keyword key phrases in another great one is how to survive your first week of posting videos on youtube how to survive your first um negative comment on youtube right how to how to survive your first client that asks for a refund so those are all things that can again people are based off of fear they want to know they’re scared to be first with something so it’s a great title that can get people to click on again it’s just general interest and again what motivates people to click versus what motivates not so creating different content and you can use all these titles to create almost the same video and change it just slightly to create more content post on youtube that will get more clicks another great title is what jeff bezos so you add in a celebrity or a group that can teach you about an industry what jeff bezos can teach you about business what aaron rodgers can teach you about business what uh michael jordan can teach you about basketball right so along those things it’s what and then you add the group or the celebrity then can teach you about a specific industry obviously you’re tailing or surfing on the wave of these famous people celebrities and so forth that will help get you more clicks and so forth another great title would be behind the scenes of youtube’s algorithm behind the scenes of mr beast’s secrets to beating youtube’s algorithm so again you just go in behind the scenes of a and then fill in the blank with the keyword or key phrases that your video is about that you want it to rank for another great thing and you see um whatever dentists do this all the time with toothpaste also nine out of ten uh dental hygienists can’t or don’t blank are you one of them uh nine out of ten dentists can’t approve x toothbrush are you one of them 9 out of 10 um facebook agencies can’t generate sales are you one of them nine out of ten people who run facebook ads can’t generate conversions or a proper roi are you one of them so again peace interest all that stuff numbers work really well people love numbers they love clicking on them and so forth another great title is make your first x amount of dollars in just a time period watch below see how right make your first a million dollars in just six weeks watch below to see how make your first a hundred subscribers on youtube in five hours watch below see how right so that’s another great title again you’re constantly just creating curiosity to get people to click um another great title is are you still wasting money on youtube views or investing in your youtube channel without anything to show for it so are you still wasting money for fill in the blank without anything to show for it another great title is people regularly pay me ten thousand dollars to help rank their youtube channel people p people regularly pay me uh ten thousand dollars to consult and uh grow their business to a million dollars or ten million dollars but you can have it for free right and you can obviously add that you can have it for free you can also just put people regularly pay me uh six figures to generate millions of dollars in their business but you can have it for free so obviously it makes it really compelling more engaging and so forth when you have the but you can have it for free obviously it’s compelling up front just initially where you can say people regularly pay me ninety seven hundred dollars to build their business from the ground up how to make a million dollars so you go how to make insert the number that you want with the the income with your uh youtube course step by step how to make a million dollars with your youtube channel step by step right how to make a million dollars with your business step by step so again another great title another title would be how to permanently stop your blank even if you’ve tried everything so how to permanently stop your business expenses even if you’ve tried it and then another great title is is youtube a scam is dan lok a scam is uh max new macbook pro a scam is blank a scam find out if you’re putting your hard-earned dollars at risk right so again it makes a compelling title makes it engaging you add your keywords key phrases at as that another great title is the x so add a number little known factors that could affect your your brand 10 little-known factors that could affect your youtube channel seven little-known factors that could affect your youtube channel so there’s a lot of titles out there that you can use and there’s even more uh that i’m not going to go in now but remember the biggest thing is you want to have again about 50 keywords key phrases and then add compelling fluff words to make the sentence sound good and then add a few key words towards the end of it that really get it because keywords and key phrases will help your videos rank and finding those keywords and key phrases first before creating a video i find this very helpful hopefully this was really helpful uh and there’s more keywords or titles that you can use to make it more compelling and interest but start here with those and it should give you plenty of titles to use and to create to start getting really solid titles to make them clickable to build curiosity build interest in youtube um on your youtube channel to start getting more clicks all right take care thank you